What Does Saving Face Mean?

What Does Saving Face Mean?

How do you feel when you’re checking out of a store and someone behind the counter says, “Have a nice day?” Do you get a little shimmy in your step? Does your day get a little brighter? Not really? Ever wonder why that is? The term have a nice day is...
What Does Saving Face Mean?

Saving Face and Building Relationships

When you hear the words ‘saving face,’ what do you think of? You might imagine someone trying to recover after saying something embarrassing. Maybe they made a mistake in the workplace and need to repair their reputation. Face is a universal concept,...
5 Ways to Give Face to Build Relationships

5 Ways to Give Face to Build Relationships

There are three key concepts of face. Giving Face, losing face, and saving face. In this video, I talk about giving face. Giving face is a cultural concept originated in China. It can and should be an integral part of building relationships and motivating your team...
3 Ways to Rebuild Face and Respect

3 Ways to Rebuild Face and Respect

There’s an old Chinese proverb, “Spilled water is hard to regain.” Think about it. You accidentally knock a glass of water off the table and it spills all over the floor. If you wanted to get all that water back into the glass, how would you do it?...
What Saving Face Is and Is Not

What Saving Face Is and Is Not

Saving face is the act of helping someone recover after a mistake in a way that preserves their dignity in the presence of their colleagues, community or family. When it is done authentically, with genuine intention and empathy, the act of saving face for someone can...